The coroner is elected for a four-year term and is responsible for holding an inquest into the cause of death in cases in which a person dies (1) as a result of violence, suicide, or casualty; (2) suddenly when in apparent good health; (3) when unattended by a physician; or (4) in any suspicious or unusual manner.
Upon receiving notice of death under any of the above circumstances, the coroner is to take charge of the body immediately and summon a medical examiner and peace officer. Together, they must make an inquiry into the cause and manner of death. The medical examiner performs a postmortem examination or an autopsy and reports the findings of Investigation. Unless there has been a finding of foul play, a dead body must be released to the next of kin within 24 hours of demand.
(quoted from: Hudson, Betty and Hardy, Paul, Handbook for Georgia County Commissioners. Athens: Carl Vinson Institute of Government, University of Georgia, 2002, p. 74.)